Busy Advent start

 What a really cold start to a Saturday. It made us feel like staying in the warmth. However, when we went outside we were treated to some amazing sights like this web hanging off our repurposed wheelbarrow.

In fact everywhere we travelled we were greeted by spider webs beautifully decked in white.

We had to go out because one of our grandsons pre-school had their nativity.

'Come to the party' being the theme and he was Jospeh.

So with a  simple script and songs they celebrated the coming of Jesus.

Looking around and listening to the parents singing along I was struck by the sense of this being a diverse community. Plus I think the children could have sat down and watched their parents, many of whom seemed more than eager to sing the songs and tell the story than the children. This of course begs the question Who was the nativity really for? 

Later in the day a question was asked about remembering being in a nativity. I honestly couldn't think of one at school or church though I must have taken part. I remember all those Methodist Sunday school anniversaries but not a nativity!!!

Well the afternoon saw us take a walk down to Marlborough Road Methodist Church where David the minister had created an Advent Labyrinth. It was good to walk the journey. To be reminded of the need to watch and wait. Advent a time to reflect upon what you might chose to do and why you might not. So food for thought.

Around the hall were posters which meant using the QR code you could see and hear a simple Christmas story, and a variety of activities at tables to be undertaken while you talked to people. Oh and of course coffee and a mince pie!!!

But yes it remains cold and so its good to be back in the warmth of home and ready for the quarter finals of Strictly Come dancing!!!!

The First Sunday in Advent is tomorrow which has always been for me the lighting of a candle to recall what we are hoping for. 

you come to us 
in Jesus
to meet our deepest needs.

You turned upside down 
much of what people looked for.

You came to
show us how we could
live together.

Yet your light
shining upon our world,
our lives,
we have a long way to go.

help us to align
your will
with our own.
That all may live
in harmony
and peace comes
to your earth. 

As we light 
the first candle
of Advent.
May we be ready
to carry 
your light 
in our lives. Amen   (c) Mark Goodhand   2nd December 2023


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