Aldersgate 24th May 2023
He managed to share a Gospel of God's Love for all. He managed to hold the tension between experiencing God's presence, a gift from God not earned, and the need to put into action that Love that had touched him and was available for all. John cared and understood that the coming of Jesus was not just about saving the soul for eternity but the transformation of life in the here and now.
At a time when our own society is so riven by division built on lies and hatred about others, so as to gain and retain power, these words of John are still powerful and true.
Why is it that so many people now in power, not all, do not understand the plight of the vast majority of the population and in particular the very large numbers of poor people? John identified it as that they chose not to know and then used it as an excuse for doing nothing.
In our own time it would appear in spite of twenty four hours news and social media etc that many with wealth and power chose not to know about the plight of their neighbour. Instead the talk has been ratcheted up to demonise those who flea from persecution, or who through lack of opportunities are not able to access the good things of life and its their own fault. Of course because of social media many do know and chose to make choices that do not fit the Gospel imperative to serve our neighbour. Instead they put profit before justice. They put making themselves wealthier before sharing.
People of faith understand that a relationship with God goes hand in hand with a relationship with your neighbour.
It's no good saying and singing about what a wonderful planet we live on, the beauty of creation and how it feeds and clothes us, if you then vote to dump raw sewage in the rivers and seas.
It's no good praising the staff of the NHS and then fail to fix the buildings they work in, don't invest in training new staff, don't pay them a fair wage while spending money on private health care to plug gaps even though it costs more.
It's no good claiming you are providing a properly funded education system while buildings are in need of repair, and teachers are not retained because they are underfunded and face the pressure of Ofsted which itself is a failing system accountable to no one.
The rich are getting richer and the poor poorer. Many who are wealthy and in power today even though they know chose not to act. As John Wesley put it they have a 'hardness of heart'
So on Aldersgate Day 24th May while we may recall how John felt his heart strangely warmed let's be under no illusion about the Good news he preached. Yes he experienced God's Love for him and it so motivated and empowered him he enabled thousands to have that same experience, and through Methodism millions world wide. But that spiritual experience was never to be in isolation from the way in which he worked to transform peoples everyday lives, education, health care, lifting people out of poverty, supporting those who opposed slavery etc. We can only hope that those in power and with wealth may themselves have a change of heart, and their hearts be strangely warmed.
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