The Garden one year on.
It really doesn't seem possible that a year has now passed since we moved. However when we look at the back garden we can tell things have moved on. It was just a bit overgrown and neglected. The wooden structure must have once looked good but it was falling down and dangerous. So no choice a major clearance was required before we could start to restructure Its always hard to rip things out but we really had no choice. It left us with a lot of bare fencing and a long garden in need of dividing up into areas. Thankfully at the bottom corner there was some paving ready to take the new greenhouse. But a bit of extra paving was required. I might be getting too old for all this heavy lifting !!! Area ready for Greenhouse What do you do with a falling down structure? You up cycle it to make a new border. Unused wood and raised beds take shape. Not too bad so far. So some trellis constructed to divide the garden with new planting and a view from the back door. M...