Table Talk - Light a candle in the darkness

We had a great turn out Thursday evening at the 'Table Talk' gathering. The theme being "Light a candle in the darkness"

Our first challenge was to share how we use candles and what they can represent.

So from birthdays to Advent, baptisms and confirmation, to remembrances and vigils, to diwali and so many other uses, we were reminded how candles help us to express hope, to recall loved ones, promises  made and so much more. Of course it was a helpful way to get people engaged in the theme.

Then before we could eat we had opportunity to make candles using sheets of beeswax. It was a lovely idea and meant that they could then be used in the worship after we had eaten.

After good food we shared in a liturgy which was a delight for me. Beginning with familiar words used in an Iona liturgy as three lights/candles are lit to remind us of the Trinity. Then we passed the light from one person to another with the words "May Christ bring you light' and while we did the Taize chant "The Lord is my light , my light and salvation."

Then two prayers one for Ukraine and the other rightly for Turkey ad Syria. We concluded with 'The day thou gavest, Lord, is ended,'

The worship held together all the elements of our gathering.

Our usual giving to cover the cost of food being directed to Christian Aid to assist them in addressing the earthquake victims.

Creator God
You called Light into existence
that by it we might see
and plants might grow.

May our lives be like light
to reveal Your love
that others might find their way
and so flourish.

We pray
in the midst of the darkness
that has fallen in Turkey and Syria
those caught captive
by the debris of buildings
may once more see daylight.
That those caught up in the grief
of loved ones who have died
may be brought to a place of peace
and find the support they need.

Creator God
you said "Let there be light"
and there was Light
and it was good. Amen    (c) Mark Goodhand     12th February 2023


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