Life flashing before your eyes

 It's a common statement that people who thought they were about to die had their lives flash before their eyes. It must be a very quick movie if you're getting on in years!! 

Well it was a bit like that for me at church while attending the Christmas midnight communion. As I have commented previously it's my favourite service of the Advent and Christmas period. As I sat savouring the atmosphere my mind played back a rich variety of services from the annual carol service of the Cambridge Fire Service at St Ives, to images of young people at Highlands with their 5pm service, right through to I think every church I have ever been Minister of. It was a kind of taking stock, of being thankful and knowing I've done my bit. So I immersed myself in the sense of waiting and watching knowing all that could be done had been. But one little thought kept coming to my mind. Who would light the final white candle of the advent ring?

For 38 years I have taken the opportunity of lighting the final candle of the Advent ring at midnight as we moved into Christmas Day. Just as I enjoyed reading John 1: 1-14 accepting the mystery of the passage, I always found it moving to be the one to light the candle. 

Sitting in church this year as the service progressed I had the strange feeling our Vicar Anita was going to ask me to light the candle, and she did. It made me smile inside, something unbroken continues for me. That candle to remind us of the God who in Christ becomes earthed, flesh of our flesh, and risking what humanity would do with this precious helpless life. 

It's just a candle, but serves as a reminder for me, that in whatever way my life might journey I and all are called to bear that light.

There is always something amazing about God becoming like us. Caught up in the the everyday joys and struggles of life. It speaks of one who is not aloof but is content to get hands dirty, to laugh with others, to cry with others, to struggle with others, to suffer with others. Yes the one who is worthy of being served is content to serve others. Here is true leadership that is worth emulating. It stands in such stark contrast with a government that has lost its soul to the forces of greed and corruption. So much so it now demonises those women and men who throughout the pandemic went to work risking their lives. It shows they are not worthy of high office. Seeking to use the language of division holders of the great offices of state cling to power. If only the light which came into the world did guide them life for all would be a better outcome. So it seems to me, as one called to carry the Light of Christ, it is not wrong to pray for those who abuse their roles to be brought down from their positions of power and new women and men raised up. 

Father, Son and Holy Spirit
One in perfect community
in love renew our country
that it might live 
in the manner of Your community.

you value and love all people
give then to us
women and men
young and old
who are willing 
to serve at local and national level
setting aside greed and any thoughts 
of privilege and power
that we might be governed well
by Your Love.

you have shown us that
we are called to live together
in a community
where we hold all things in common.
May we learn afresh to share
all resources
that all may live their lives
without fear
of hunger, cold and ill health.

watch over
our NHS
sustain all those who work within it
give to them 
the mental and physical capacity
to work each day
and may they be given
what they need to flourish
that we as a society might flourish.

God of community
in your mercy
hear our prayer Amen.       (c) Mark Goodhand 11th January 2022


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