
Showing posts from September, 2024

A visit to an old friend

 For so long we have been saying we will get up to the Wirral to see Kathy in her not so new home. Well finally we made it and took advantage of a couple of trips out. Looking across you can see the docks just. It was not the warmest or clearest of days. But a reminder of what an important port Liverpool has been. The tide was in so no walk along the beach at New Brighton. But you can just make out the new football ground for Everton under construction. Question is will they still be in the premier league when its completed? What was a surprise was to visit Port Sunlight the village built for the workers by Lord Lever. Our country has some amazing villages built by wealthy individuals who wanted to provide better living conditions for their workers.  Sadly of course they were few and far between, and often the wealth created came from the colonial activities of empire. The former congregationalist church now URC looking very much like the parish church. And of course its tomb ...

Harvest prayers

St Hughs Harvest Festival 15th September   The Israelites were commanded to bring the first fruits to the altar, a recognition that all they enjoyed, came from God the giver of life. It serves to remind us of our dependency upon the creation and to not take what we have for granted. So we pray for ourselves and the world. God,   Father, Son and Holy Spirit one in perfect community Hear now our prayers. God our creator we acknowledge with gratitude that our cupboards and fridges are full, and when they empty we have shops   and wealth so we can restock.   Help us never to take this for granted and to share the abundance we enjoy in ways that will make a difference   to the lives of others. Lord in your mercy Hear Our Prayer Lord Jesus you advised people   to sit more lightly with what they have, that you can only wear one shirt at a time, that for some to be free your need to give away   not to hoard but to share and that in these ways it leads to a mea...

discrimination is alive and kicking

  Discrimination is alive and kicking. W hat W ould J esus D o?   WWJD As an ordained Methodist Minister of some forty years now it is slightly amusing and irritating to find that in the year 2024, another denomination, for all the fine words spoken and written about the unity of the church, does not in effect acknowledge my ordination. At one level I want to be able to say “Am I bothered” after all I am not looking to get back onto the treadmill of services. But as we are without a vicar I felt I should at least offer to take an occasional service to help out. To avoid the inevitable clash over communion I suggested a non eucharist service. It’s 2024 and still the Christian church manages to use church practices, doctrines etc to discriminate within denominations and against other denominations. I observe across the established church (Church of England)   that women are still discriminated against. Homophobia is alive and kicking even if its dressed up in theological g...