Harvest time is beginning
The garden is beginning to produce and I have my helper to water. Potatoes, Garlic, lettuce, tomatoes and sweetcorn all coming along very well. We have already been eating lettuces and the basil has been turned into the coming years supply of Pesto. A vital ingredient for our grandchildren who love pesto pasta!!! So two crops off the first basil sown, and a crop off the second sowing with another sowing yet to come to harvest. But by leaving the basil having picked it its amazing how the precious leaves come back and you get more. And now at last I have harvested the garlic which I had wondered if it was going to come good. You can never have enough garlic!!! Now drying off in the greenhouse to be later stored safely in the dark of the garage. So today I need to lift my first potatoes. Always an unknown. But I hope for a good crop which can often keep us going till Christmas. Retirement gives more time to give over to the garden which is so good for well being. In goes some ...