Sams's Space official opening - at last!!!
What do you do with a 400 seater pew filled church? It was only really used for a couple of hours on a Sunday when I arrived back in 2008. The organ while still working was never played. The rest of the buildings, loads of rooms, were used by a variety of groups. I never preached from this pulpit!! The church on the roundabout needed to determine what it was going to do to bring the worship space into real use. So began a long period of discernment. Consultations with the community, scoping workshops, questionnaires and many, many meetings. We explored lots of options for its use while at the same time seeing if we could reshape all the buildings to make better use of the space. Eventually knowing we were working with a grade two listed building we focused on reconfiguring the worship space to be a sacred space for worship and serving. It took a long time to decide what to do. Being set in one of the poorest parts of Sheffield with its wards being as poor as the poorest in t...